Privacy policy

GDPR privacy statement

Stichting Bibliotheek Utrecht is active in renting out rooms. A website has been set up for this purpose with the domain name In order to prepare quotations and invoices, we receive name and address details from our “potential” customers. Stichting Bibliotheek Utrecht takes the privacy of “potential” customers very seriously and will handle this information very carefully.

This page explains the Utrecht Library’s Privacy Policy regarding the rental of rooms. The conditions apply to “potential” customers who want to rent a room from the Utrecht Library. Naturally, we meet the requirements for the privacy law General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Article 1. Who is Utrecht Library?

Stichting de Bibliotheek Utrecht is the trade name, with its registered office in Utrecht. The head office is located in Utrecht at Neude 11 3512 AE and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 56471572.

Article 2. What information does Utrecht Library collect for the purpose of room rental and confidentiality obligations?

This obligation of secrecy and confidentiality includes, but is not limited to, information from the information provided such as quotes and invoices from the Client, customers and Suppliers of the Client and competitors of the Client.
The data provided will be kept for as long as the customer has a business relationship with Utrecht Library. This data can be used to check historical orders. The information provided by the “potential” customer is protected by passwords. Only administrative employees of Utrecht Library who are responsible for room rental activities have access to this.

Utrecht Library undertakes to maintain strict confidentiality with regard to the “Information” provided by the client in the broadest sense and information directly or indirectly related thereto.

Utrecht Library must guarantee the safety of its employees and its customers. Security is used in our buildings, both by means of cameras and by deploying a security service. Authorized employees can log in to the security system and (after logging in with a username and password) request video/audio data. This happens in case of security questions. Data can be transferred to competent authorities such as the police (in compliance with the GDPR rules in this regard, but will be destroyed at Utrecht Library within 14 days after recording.
Utrecht Library collects data for the website for room rental via the plugin Matomo (

Article 3. For what purposes will Utrecht Library use “potential” customer information?

Utrecht Library will use the information of “potential” customers to communicate with them about room rental in Utrecht Library and to send them information about this. Utrecht Library does not send newsletters to its ‘room rental’ customers.

Article 4. How does Utrecht Library protect personal information of “potential” customers?

Utrecht Library has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal or company data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. All important documents are in ‘Cloud services’ such as Microsoft OneDrive and all communication tools are provided with a secret login code.

Article 5. Can this Privacy Statement be changed?

The privacy policy may be expanded or changed in the future. This page will then be adjusted for this purpose.

Article 6. Questions?

If you have any questions, please contact our administration by email